Saturday 6 February 2016

Cooperation with Fundation "Podaj Dalej"

Last Moday ( 1st February 2016) we visited Fudation „ Podaj Dalej” where we could learn a lot about their acctivities, main goals or about different disabilities. We could also visit  the building which is very modern and well equipped. On the walls we could admire beautiful photos showing disabled people and their passions.
Our guides were presidents of Fundation: Mr Karol Włodarczyk and Mrs Zuzanna Janaszek - Maciaszek, daughter of dr Piotr Janaszek, patron of Fundation -  a well-known community worker and physician who took care of the disabled people. Piotr Janaszek's daughter continues his mission after his tragic death in December 1998.

There we could also meet two disabled men, Maciej and Marek, on wheelchairs and we were listening to the true story about their lives which were very tragical in consequences. Fortunatelly, thanks to the Fundation  they can now live a normal life doing different things. And nowadays they share their experience with other people in need and this way they pass the help on. Additionally, Marek is a member of wheelchair basketball team, KSS Mustang. We find it very brave and amazing and we are very proud of them. Name of organisation means in English "Pass it on" because their mission is to share experience and help more and more people in finding hapinness and satisfaction despite of their disabilities.
This meeting gave us not only the knowledge of the work of Fundation but also the faith in the great meaning of  existence the Fundation “Podaj Dalej”. They really do a great job.

Marek's telling story " Power is in us"

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